
1) Our project is in the final stages. we have to finish completing our data and come to an agreement on the platform. 2) We have not taken any pictures or visuals but plan on recording our interviews with students  3)  We still are not sure what platform we want to post our project on because we do not really want to make a you tube video so we are maybe planning on making an Instagram post. 4) the best part of the project is learning what tools to use for organization. after interviewing students i also learn methods to use myself. 5) At this time i do not have any questions
1) for my project we are looking into different ways of organization that can be used to help students get their work done on time. 2)Between now and the end of the project, my partner and i must survey different students to find what they believe is the best for reminding them, compare the data, find one that many believe works the best, and then create a way we believe we can make it better in the students perspective. 3) For documentation we can use the data we generate from the students variety of surveys. 4) As of right now, me and my partner are unsure of how we will make our work public, we can decide this later once we get our data and find the best way to do so. 5) We are close to the completion of our project, we must retrieve specific data and then analyze what we must do as students to benefit the common student.
1) For our project we are finding the best ways for students to do their work on time and complete their work efficiently. 2) Our next step will be to research different tools used for organization.. 3 ) what we will do to take this step is talk and interview a variety  of students around SHHS for their thoughts and opinions on what they believe their best way to stay organized.
1. ENTP- Extravert 50%, INtuitive 50%, Thinking 19%, Percieving 9% 2. clever, juggler,abstract 3. i generally do agree with my outcome, im a very big extravert and i try very hard to be open 4. counseling, engineering, business management 5. people like this are commonly open in thought and arent afraid to make bold choices 6. John Adams, Alexander the Great, Thomas Edison
For my passion project i had many ideas or things that i found interesting enough to build on or create  a project out of. One of the many repeated themes of things that i found interesting was to help or aid students get the proper help that they need or to get the work that they need done and turned in on time. These can be addressed by extra help or an app or program that encourages kids to do their work and get it done and pass it in. Another thing that i find needs attention is bullying and abuse of children in school. I believe that bullying needs even more attention in the schools because many people see bullying taking action and never end up doing anything. I want to give a voice to all those who are the victims of bullying or witnesses of abuse wether it is verbally or physically