For my passion project i had many ideas or things that i found interesting enough to build on or create  a project out of. One of the many repeated themes of things that i found interesting was to help or aid students get the proper help that they need or to get the work that they need done and turned in on time. These can be addressed by extra help or an app or program that encourages kids to do their work and get it done and pass it in. Another thing that i find needs attention is bullying and abuse of children in school. I believe that bullying needs even more attention in the schools because many people see bullying taking action and never end up doing anything. I want to give a voice to all those who are the victims of bullying or witnesses of abuse wether it is verbally or physically


  1. Hey Tommy, I think that you have some really good ideas, and I think your project will be awesome!!!!

  2. Hey Tommy, i love your idea because i think it is important that everybody gets the education that they need. Good luck!

  3. I agree with eric in saying that everybody should get the education or whatever they need to do good in their life

  4. It appears that Tommy enjoys helping people and doing whatever he can to make other people's lives a little easier. Tommy might be wondering what other things he can do to help people who may need it. Tommy would like to try to encourage kids to do their school work and pass their classes. He would also like to bring more attention to bullying/abuse of students in school and try to do something to make school a better environment. Since Tommy doesn't have an exact plan for his project, maybe he could try to create a study group after school or some sort of support group for kids who are getting bullied.

  5. aye TOMMY, its me and I wanted to tell you that I find your project ideas very interesting and I think that you should follow your ideas in helping students to their work. thanks


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